Butter Pecan Layer Cake

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Thanks to pecans and butter, this cake has the same enticing flavour as the popular butter pecan ice cream flavour.


2-2/3 cup pecans, chopped

1-1/4 cup softened butter, divided

2 lbs. sugar

4 big room-temperature eggs

vanilla extract (two tablespoons)

3 cups flour (all-purpose)

2 tablespoons powdered baking soda

a half teaspoon of salt

1 gallon of whole milk


1 cup softened butter

confectioners’ sugar, 8 to 8-1/2 cup

1 evaporated milk can (5 oz.)

vanilla extract (two tablespoons)


In a baking pan, combine pecans and 1/4 cup butter. Set aside after baking at 350° for 10-15 minutes or until toasted, turning periodically.

Cream the remaining butter and sugar in a large mixing basin until light and creamy, about 5-7 minutes. 1 at a time, add eggs, beating thoroughly after each addition. Pour in the vanilla extract. Combine the flour, baking powder, and salt; alternately add the flour and milk to the creamed mixture, beating thoroughly after each addition. 1-1/3 cup roasted pecans 1-1/3 cup toasted pecans 1-1/3 cup toasted pecans 1-1/3 cup toasted

Pour into three 9-inch round baking pans that have been greased and dusted. Preheat the oven to 350°F and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean. Cool for 10 minutes in the pans before transferring to wire racks to cool fully.

In a large mixing basin, cream butter and confectioners’ sugar. Blend in the milk and vanilla extract until smooth. Add the remaining toasted pecans and mix well—Frost between the layers and the top and edges of the cake.

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