Russet potatoes

the following ingredients:

500 g 2 potatoes, wine, or Idaho type
2 tablespoons unsalted butter 9 g 2 sliced green onions
2 tablespoons unsalted butter 9 g 2 sliced green onions
1 tsp. salt (optional) [Optional] 0.2 g pepper to taste


the bread

Preheat the oven to 205 degrees Celsius/400 degrees Fahrenheit.

To prevent the potatoes from bursting, thoroughly clean them and pierce them with a fork. Drizzle with oil and season with salt. Cook until cooked through in the center of the oven, about 60 minutes depending on size. (You may shorten the cooking time by covering the potatoes in aluminum foil separately, but this softens the peel and keeps the pulp wet.)

Barbecue cooking

Clean the potatoes thoroughly and cover them in aluminum foil individually. Cook for 45 to 60 minutes, depending on the size of the pot.

Cooking in the microwave

Place the potatoes on absorbent paper in the oven after cleaning and pricking them carefully to not explode while cooking—Preheat the oven to high. In a medium power (700W) oven, it takes around 8 minutes to bake a potato. Cooking time should be extended if more than one potato is being cooked simultaneously. If your microwave doesn’t have a turntable, flip the potatoes once during cooking. Wrapped in absorbent paper, set aside for 2 minutes before serving.


When the potatoes are done cooking, split them in half and scrape the pulp off with a spoon, careful not to break the skin. Crush the meat and add butter, chopped green onions, salt, and pepper in a mixing bowl. Return the potatoes to the oven for 2-3 minutes under the grill to heat up, obtain a light golden color, and put everything back in the peels.

You may also split the potatoes in half and serve with a garnish on top.

Have fun!

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